There's been a lot of talk about this story - perhaps too much talk.
Yes, it is true that my very hot, MDT (music/dance/theater major) girlfriend at the time (I'll refer to her as Debbie Hines) was very much in sync with my desire to just skip the whole dinner thing and proceed directly back to The Hole and participate in some n.c.m.o. (insider talk -- look it up). And yes it is true that all of this happened prior to the current scooter helmet laws. And yes, it was a Ford Pinto that hit me.
So there we were, racing down 800 East, heading for The Hole and an evening of frolicking, when all of a sudden I was waking up in the hospital. As I fade in and out for a moment, I see the anxious face of my roommate standing over me, and I say "Man, you look like crap." and then pass out again. My understanding is that he decided to leave at that point.
So, after 6 weeks of my jaw being wired shut, having to drink my Thanksgiving turkey/dressing shake through a straw, the loss of two molars, and weight loss to Nazi death camp proportions, needless to say my relationship didn't survive. But I got years of TMJ issues for my troubles, and about $20k in insurance money.
So what actually happened? Well, apparently a young lass had just recently received her driver's license, and, having reached the minimum age to attend the fantabulous dance orgy (and I don't use that term lightly), otherwise known as The Palace, was driving her friends in her parent's Ford Pinto (moose poop green, no less) to the club on "teen night". Now, understand that, like the majority of Utah's roads, 800 East had 5 extra wide lanes -- two on each side, and a suicide lane. I was in the far right lane, traveling about 40 MPH with my hottie behind me. Ms. Pinto was on my far left. As she approached The Palace, apparently she didn't realize she needed to turn, and someone in her car said "There it is!" to which she reacted by swerving across all lanes of traffic....hitting me and my hottie on our scooter. I flew over the handlebars and face planted the Pinto. My girlfriend slid with the scooter, wedging under the car.
I can sort of remember the crowd gathering, someone saying "Man, that guy is dead" (optimistic crowd), and then the guy in the ambulance talking to me, interestingly enough telling me how good looking my girlfriend was, and how I was lucky. Jerk.
I believe the girl had that newly minted license taken away from her for a few months. Aw, bummer. As I mentioned, my jaw snapped, I lost some teeth, and was pierced in a couple places by random metal objects. My g-friend got the worst: fractured her knee-cap and basically ended her dancing career. Last I heard she was still in a lawsuit over it. I don't know the details because as soon as her father met me, he disapproved of me, and that was the end of me dating her.
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