I remember this one day I was reading the newspaper about it being so cold that cows were dying. Turning into a giant beefcicle. If I recall it was like 21 below zero of something. Whatever it was it must have been dang cold. I had an 8am class and knew I was going to freeze but nothing prepared me for that morning. I remember walking out and immediately my hair and nostril hairs froze. My lungs hurt like a mofo. We were living in the Hole which was about 10 blocks from campus, let alone the class was on the North side in the humanities building. So my guess it was probably a two mile or so walk. I could visualize freezing solid, lying against the gutter of the road, a frozen casualty. Just like the cows. I wonder if the crows would begin eating me. Nah, I made it to class, moaning and groaning the whole way. For some reason I just remembered that. Provo could get dang cold. Go see Russ.
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