As Preston mentioned in his post, we collected a number of items of clothing at the U2 concert in Oakland in November which we later used in a pseudo-pagan ritual, conducted by the river at Rain Tree apartments one winter evening.
Preston, our roommate Kirk Hedman and I chanted for a couple minutes, and then doused a sweater and scarf in lighter fluid.
Here is me and Kirk. You can see the passion in our faces.
Once the fire was burning bright, we took up the flames with sticks, and placed the mass inside the sacred pink toilet which had graced our apartment for so many months (more on that in later entries). The toilet was positioned on a giant piece of green foam in the water, and we prepared for launch. The flames jumped up from the bowl, and Kirk closed the lid. Within moments, the entire seat was in flames, which reached up 7 to 10 feet or so. No kidding. Just a little FYI -- a well-used toilet seat, made of particle board wrapped in a sheath of polyurethane and plastic, apparently goes up like a match. With flames leaping into the night sky and our chanting at its end, we pushed our craft away from shore, and bid our farewell.
Just then, a cop sped by on the main road and caught a view of the burning toilet. He hit his lights, and sped off to round the block and come into the apartment complex. We ran.
Clearly, an argument to put asbestos BACK into our toiletry products.
Posted by: Sugar Daddy | April 12, 2004 at 07:24 AM