Continued from Pillow Fight, Part 1
I remember hearing a rather large-looking football player (Hinckley hall housed a few) saying "Man, I can't hit a girl." But that kind of irrational thinking didn't last long. I must have had the same reservations -- until a co-ed I knew very well, Marla, pounded me in the head with a not-so-light-and-fluffy pillow. After that, the gloves came off.
Merrill and Stover halls had emptied, and the girls were upon us, driving the Hinckley resistance from the hill for a few moments. But, fortunately, many of the jocks quickly came to the same conclusion that I had that, girl or not -- the hill must be defended, and pushed their way back through the crowd to regain control of the hill. The girls fell back, the Chipman/John hall folks also relented...and the Hinckley hall insurgents cheered.
In that pause before the next surge, I took a moment to look around. I was amazed to see what looked like the majority of the Helaman Halls dorms emptied into the quad. It was busier than I had ever seen it during the day. And it was obvious that the crowd was growing. You could see people coming from a few different directions.
And then someone put their stereo speakers to their window on the top floor of Hinckley, blasting some tunes. The crowd gathered at the top of the quad, near the music, when all of a sudden the announcer came on with one of our dorm-mates on the air, talking about the pillow fight. The multitude swarmed, people cheered, and the guy on the phone did what he could to incite the crowd.
By this time is was probably nearing 1am. The crowd was HUGE. There were not a lot of pillows flying now - instead, people would create circles in which 2 or 3 warriors would battle at a time, the crowd watching and enjoying the spectacle. It could have been a noon time rally before a football game -- the place was alive and loud -- a true spectacle.
We basked in the glory of what we had created.
A police car entered the quad from the west near Chipman hall, driving on the walkway. The cop was on his loudspeaker, urging people to return to their rooms. The crowd swarmed around and rocked the ploice car. A few guys pulled out water balloons and a surgical tube catapult, and started pelting the crowd.
And then chaos ensued: someone yelled "Let's get D.T.!!!" I was standing near Preston and Brian, who summed up all of the feelings of those of us who had started this mess: "Oh crap."
I remember hearing about this my freshman year, which was a year later.
Did you guys ever to the Pie? I practically lived there sophomore year.
Posted by: Jen | April 08, 2004 at 08:11 AM